<p>The standard press throat options are 20” and 36”. You have the ability to custom-order presses with even larger throat depths. This insertion press is Made in the USA. This exceptional press is manufactured by Auto-Sert, Inc., Frederic, Wisconsin.</p>
<ul><li>Rigid Construction: 2” thick steel center mainframe.</li><li>20” and 36” Throat Depth Options: Design allows <strong>less restriction</strong> of movement around ram.</li><li>Quick Change Tooling: <strong>Minimal tools </strong><strong>needed</strong> for tooling change.</li><li>Uniform Hydraulic Pressure by Design: <strong>No variation in pressure from heat build-up</strong>. Hardware is <strong>installed uniformly</strong> in thin, soft aluminum parts at low-pressure range to install large studs in stainless steel, the Auto-Sert press has capacity <strong>– with </strong><strong>power to spare</strong>.</li><li><strong>Reliable Safety System</strong>: Redundant safety system internally monitored by a micro-controller.</li><li>Very sensitive pressure sensing device used, plus ¼” window of safety before full tonnage is applied by press in manual operation.</li><li>Operator can <strong>work faster with confidence</strong>.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Durable HMI control components allows you to <strong>set up all machine functions with a touch</strong>.</li><li><strong>Digital Display gives live reading</strong> of hydraulic and installation pressure.</li><li>State of the art electronics <strong>allows operator instant, live visibility to hydraulic and installation pressure and a graph to keep track of all installs</strong>.</li><li>HMI with a digital display <strong>eliminates key switches and push button</strong>.</li><li>Machine <strong>verifies installation pressure</strong> transmitted to a graph (great where specific pressure requirements are needed (automotive, etc.).</li><li><strong>New, improved hydraulic system.</strong></li><li>Servo hydraulics <strong>allows the machine to get down to minimal installation force</strong> (excellent for installing broaching fasteners into printed circuit boards).</li></ul>
<p>The AST is equipped with a <strong>proven, reliable Safety System</strong> internally monitored by a micro-controller and a 9” Touchscreen. This screen is <strong>packed with advanced features </strong>including batch/part count, digital pressure, read-out, graphs, controls, recipe menu that saves over 100 files, lockout for screen, and easy operations indicator.</p>